Gratitude Fuels Growth
Originally published on November 26, 2024
Thanksgiving week, to me, is an opportunity to spend focused time reflecting on the various aspects of life we should be grateful for. Whatever you think of the holiday itself, it serves as a chance to embrace gratitude. I like to use it as a motivator, sparking creativity and enthusiasm that often carries into the following year.
With that in mind, here are a few key things I find deep gratitude for as we approach the close of 2024—a mix of reflection and looking ahead:
Artificial Intelligence
I know what you’re thinking: “Why AI? That makes no sense!” But for those willing to adapt and learn, there’s a tremendous opportunity to embrace this technology and make life more efficient.
One of the consistent challenges we hear in conversations is the lack of time. Without diving too deep into specifics, we’ve been writing training content (almost) daily to help salespeople leverage AI to accomplish tasks more quickly.
In short, I’m grateful for the exciting opportunities that lie ahead—primarily because there’s so much potential to use AI to help you succeed!
Partners in the Industry
This year, we’ve had the privilege of working with at least a dozen industry partners who have either hosted, presented, or sponsored our Ultimate Boot Camps. Next year looks promising, though we don’t have any 2025 locations to announce just yet. Between the relationships we’ve built and the collaborations with people from all corners of our industry, it’s clear how fortunate we are to work with individuals we know, like, and trust.
If you’re a salesperson who hasn’t yet built strong relationships with your industry partners, there’s work to be done!
To those who have truly helped us this year—you know who you are—we’re incredibly grateful for your continued support. Even more than that, we value your friendship.
Collective Creativity
This industry fascinates me with its creativity. Whether it’s upfitters designing new configurations to keep steel rods from rattling in the back of a cargo van, salespeople finding innovative ways (like candy dish gifts) to build relationships with gatekeepers, or tech partners developing tools to enhance online systems, the creativity is inspiring.
I’m consistently in awe of our industry’s industriousness. It’s refreshing to see, at every turn.
An interesting side note—I’m writing this next to a window overlooking an auto parts store. Of the 30 vehicles in view, 14 have upfits, and only two are the same. I love that level of variety!
On a related note, prospecting opportunities really are everywhere, aren’t they? We delve into this in great detail during our Ultimate Boot Camps.
This Community
Coach Ken and I often find others who, like us, played sports in college or beyond. For us, it was football. There’s a kind of fraternity that forms through shared experiences, much like those of you who have served. Thank you, again, for your service.
This industry is not lacking in community. Many of you chuckle at the joke that “We all got into fleet and commercial by accident, and when we left, we found our way back.”
While humorous, there’s truth in our ability—through associations like the NTEA—to build a strong community focused on the greater good of our corner of the automotive world.
I’m deeply grateful to have returned to this community.
The Avid Learners
One of the hidden gems of conducting trainings so consistently is observing how different personnel and dealership groups tackle challenges. I’ve been fortunate to meet many standout individuals who engage enthusiastically with our training sessions and adapt the lessons to their daily processes.
Some of my favorite conversations are when someone calls, references a specific example from one of our trainings, and ends with, “That (thing)… that’s what really helped me.”
There’s a reason we sign off our newsletters with a message like, “We’re here to help.” That’s our focus and our mission: to help you succeed.
If you’ve read this far, I’d definitely consider you an avid learner.
What Are You Grateful For?
One of the best things you can do for yourself is keep a gratitude journal. I have one on my phone's "Notes" App for work. Another in that same app with quick hit notes for family. I keep written journals for deeper thoughts on life and family and one for my favorite hobby, golf. The twin acts of seeking gratitude and physically typing or writing your thoughts lead to a positive perspective shift, and relatively quickly so.
Give that a shot this week - simply start. You won't regret it, and you'll find yourself in the proper spriit of the word, "Thanksgiving".
Gratitude Fuels Growth